culotte menstruelle

Règles en vacances : Les astuces pour conserver une bonne hygiène intime !

On a souvent cette idée reçue que nos règles vont gâcher nos vacances, qu'on ne pourra pas se baigner, qu'on sera en PLS toute la journée... Mais pas de panique, avec quelques astuces toutes simple...

July 01, 2024

Les accessoires pour porte-bébé indispensables

Essential baby carrier accessories

Today's parents are often juggling a multitude of responsibilities. It is in this context that carrying accessories (when using a baby carrier) prove to be real, essential allies. They not only ke...

November 07, 2023

5 réflexes pour une bonne hygiène intime

5 reflexes for good intimate hygiene

5 reflexes for good intimate hygiene Taking care of your intimate areas with good hygiene means preserving the balance of your vaginal flora and thus limiting the risk of infections, dryness and i...

October 23, 2023

Comment éviter les fesses irritées chez un nouveau-né ?

How to avoid irritated buttocks in a newborn?

Does your little one have a red bottom? Diaper irritation, also called diaper rash, is a common problem in babies: particularly present during the first months of life, it can persist until the age...

October 23, 2023

Doit-on changer la couche de bébé la nuit ?

Should we change baby's diaper at night?

With a newborn , questions never sleep! Should you change your baby's diaper at night? Very common among young parents, especially when the first child arrives, this question has no single answer. ...

October 23, 2023

Peut-on se baigner avec une serviette hygiénique ?

Can you bathe with a sanitary towel?

You may be wondering if it's possible to swim when you're on your period . The answer is yes. However, it is not recommended to swim with a sanitary napkin . Indeed, period pads are designed to a...

October 23, 2023

Comment choisir sa serviette hygiénique ?

How to choose your sanitary napkin?

How to choose your sanitary napkin? The sanitary napkin is a simple to use protection. It makes it easy to protect yourself from the first period. There are many models with different thicknesses,...

October 20, 2023

Faut-il un savon spécifique pour la toilette intime, et comment le choisir ?

Do you need a specific soap for intimate cleansing, and how to choose it?

How to choose a soap for intimate cleansing? Intimate cleansing is a regular gesture that promotes good health in women. It protects against bacteria and preserves the balance of the natural defen...

October 20, 2023

Interview du Dr Brigitte Pfister, Endocrinologue

Interview with Dr Brigitte Pfister, Endocrinologist

Dr Brigitte Pfister is an endocrinologist at the Clinique de l'Étoile in Aix-en-Provence. A specialist in Medically Assisted Reproduction (PMA), she has just graduated in health and environment. H...

October 20, 2023
