Comment nettoyer le visage de bébé ?

How to clean baby's face?

Washing your baby is one of the daily tasks that are the responsibility of young parents, who are not always comfortable, especially during the first weeks. If it is a special moment with your newb...

October 19, 2023

Quelle protection hygiénique écologique choisir ?

Which ecological hygienic protection to choose?

Ecological hygienic protection: the healthy choice Increasingly denounced for their toxic composition, traditional tampons and towels are less and less popular. Healthier, organic or ecological...

October 19, 2023

Que faut-il acheter lorsqu'on va avoir un bébé ?

What should you buy when you are having a baby?

The essential elements to welcome baby Don't invest heavily, as most baby gifts consist of pretty outfits. You will especially need bodysuits and pajamas. These are the most comfortable clothes...

October 19, 2023

7 choses à connaître sur la flore vaginale

7 things to know about the vaginal flora

7 things to know about the vaginal flora You may be wondering: what are vaginal flora ? Vaginal flora is found inside the vagina and is made up of a collection of good bacteria made by the body...

October 19, 2023

Les 4 étapes pour changer la couche de bébé

The 4 steps to changing your baby's diaper

Prepare the space where your child will be changed The place where you change your child must be immediately functional, because you will not be able to leave him once he is lying on the changi...

October 19, 2023

Les besoins en couches de bébé (guide des tailles + volumétrie)

Baby diaper needs (size guide + volumetry)

What size diaper for my baby? The size of diapers you should buy for your child depends neither on their age nor their size, but on their build and therefore their weight. Here are the matches ...

October 19, 2023

Comment laver bébé ?

How to wash baby?

A true moment of complicity between parents and the newborn, the bath is very appreciated by the latter. So he can have fun in the water, stretch, splash and move freely. In addition, bathing is a...

October 19, 2023

Comment coucher bébé ?

How to put your baby to bed?

On their stomach or on their back, alone in their room or very close to Mom, swaddled up to the neck or free to move around...: in a few generations, newborns have slept in every possible way. You...

October 19, 2023

Quand changer la couche de bébé ?

When to change baby's diaper?

Baby changing Changing your baby involves replacing the soiled diaper with a clean, dry diaper. New parents should expect to do this 6 to 10 times a day during their newborn's first few months. It...

October 19, 2023
