Après césarienne : soins cicatrice césarienne | Love&Green

After cesarean: cesarean scar care | Love&Green

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Post cesarean scar care

A cesarean section is above all a surgical procedure. Although the incision in the stomach is only a few centimeters long, the body needs some time to recover.

In France, aloud delivery (caesarean section) is a common practice. It concerns a quarter of births recorded throughout the country. If the post-caesarean pain dissipates after a few days, the scar is indelible. Appropriate care and good hygiene can hide a cesarean scar.

How to perform first aid for cesarean scar?

Although the incision for a cesarean section only measures between 12 and 14 cm, it deserves special attention to improve healing.

When you are still bedridden, a nurse takes care of cleaning and dressing the wound. Between the 5th and 10th day after the operation, she removes the stitches and covers the scar area with a bandage in order to limit the possible risk of infection.

During the first few days, you generally have nothing to worry about, as you are under the care of a medical professional.

The only thing that is expected of you is that you follow a few rules. For example, it is recommended to:

  • wait at least 72 hours before taking a shower. On the other hand, bathing is only allowed three weeks after the surgical procedure.
  • Get up regularly to help the wound heal.

How to clean a cesarean scar?

When you leave the maternity ward, you must take care of the cesarean scar care yourself.

One of the first things to do? Disinfect the incised part. For this, it is recommended to use a pH neutral soap or an intimate gel.

Avoid at all costs vigorously rubbing the scarred area, as you risk causing a significant lesion. Also remember to gently dry the skin using a clean towel or compress.

Be aware that a C-section wound may ooze for the first two weeks. In the event of a healing problem, it is essential to seek medical advice.

How to recognize a healing problem?

It's completely normal for a C-section scar to be blistered for the first few days. Typically, the swelling in the incised area will subside as the days pass.

However, it is important to consult a doctor if an abscess appears on the wound. Indeed, this phenomenon is a warning sign of an infection. To remedy this, it is essential to use an antiseptic and remove the pus.

It also happens that the scar becomes thick. Although it does not represent a major risk, it is sometimes unpleasant to see. To treat a hypertrophic scar, it is necessary to opt for a pressure dressing.

In case of fever, redness or pain from the cesarean scar , it is recommended to consult a doctor. These symptoms are caused by an infection in the wound. To treat your scar, you generally need to take a course of antibiotics.

What are the best steps to take to treat a cesarean section scar?

To extract the newborn from the uterus, the obstetrician-gynecologist must make a few incisions. Therefore, we are talking about several scars and not just one.

More concretely, it is imperative to pass through all layers of the skin before accessing the abdominal muscles. If the external scar appears after a few weeks, it will take up to 2 years for the scarred area to be fully restored.

To ensure a good recovery, here are some rules to follow and advice for your cesarean scar :

  • Choose comfortable underwear such as high-waisted panties.
  • Avoid swimming in the pool and the sea during the first month after giving birth.
  • Protect the cesarean scar from UV rays.


Regarding the resumption of sexual activity, it is better to wait between 4 to 6 weeks. This is the ideal time to avoid possible tearing of the stitches. Regarding the start of a new pregnancy, doctors recommend waiting at least 1 year.

How to fade a cesarean scar?

When the cesarean wound is healing, you can begin to gently massage the skin. This step is essential because it helps fade the scar.

Know that there is no point in trying to push the folds. A cesarean scar massage is enough to soften your skin. To obtain a convincing result, consider using a moisturizing massage oil. Choose organic products to protect yourself from possible skin irritation.

It is recommended to self-massage the scar morning and evening. Before going to bed, remember to apply an almond-based cream to limit possible adhesions.

You should know that it is essential to call on a physiotherapist to perform a deep massage of the scarred area. This step allows you to hide the traces of the incision as much as possible by eliminating any possible adhesion of the cesarean scar .

Generally, around ten massage sessions are essential to improve the aesthetic appearance of the scar. The intervention of the physiotherapist can be carried out alongside abdominal rehabilitation sessions. In principle, it is scheduled between 6 to 8 weeks after the birth of the baby.

The post-Cesarean section is a period that you may dread. With these tips, you will be able to enjoy your motherhood with complete peace of mind without fearing a healing problem. But remember that a doctor's advice is always recommended.